Part of owning a home means making sure that all of its many components are well-maintained and making repairs when the need arises. Homeowners spend an average of between 1% and 4% of the total value of a home each year, and spend more as time goes on. Here are three home repairs to make this spring and summer that have the best return on investment.
Replacement Windows or Repair One thing that many homeowners notice during the colder months is whether or not their windows allow drafts of cold air in. This also typically means that warm air is escaping, which can waste energy and drive up utility bills. Window replacement has a return on investment (ROI) of about 79%, so it’s well worth a window repair cost or replacement altogether.
Gutter Replacement Another repair that many homeowners make in the spring is gutter installation. Gutters that aren’t sealed, that are broken, or are missing pieces can lead to damage in other parts of your home. It’s important that water from ice and snow melt and spring storms gets carried away from the house to help avoid water and mold damage. Installing gutters where needed or getting
gutter replacement for damaged sections is worth it, considering the cost of dealing with faulty or nonexistent gutters will be even higher.
Replacement Doors Believe it or not, replacing the doors on your home can also have a significant impact on property value. According to HouseLogic’s “Cost vs. Value Report,” a new steel front door can have a long term ROI of 98%. As is the case with windows, doors that aren’t well-sealed or don’t offer enough insulation can cause air leaks and drive up utility bills.
If you’re looking to make a few relatively low cost, high ROI repairs to the exterior of your home this spring and summer, these three are a few good places to start. All of these options are rather small projects that can be completed quickly, and will save you money and prevent the need for repairs in the long run.
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